Cell, the Next Generation Mass Spectrometry System, Makes Its Way to ASMS 2022
As the 70th American Society of Mass Spectrometry annual conference (ASMS 2022) at the Minneapolis Convention Center winds down, PURSPEC Technology (PURSPEC) delivered an excellent report at the Ion Trap Workshop to share our innovations and applications with scientists and users around the world, focusing on our latest product ‘Cell, the Next Generation Miniature MS System’. At the meeting, Dr. Jason Bu, our mass spectrometry expert, gave a presentation on behalf of PURSPEC Technology, thanking scientists around the world for listening, the hosts of the workshop, as well as the founder, Dr. Zheng Ouyang, and collaborator, Dr. Graham Cooks, at both Tsinghua University and Purdue University, respectively. Thanks to their extensive advice, unwavering support, and continuous dedication, PURSPEC was able to develop the Cell and introduce revolutionary new applications regarding miniature MS systems. In 2006, the Mini 10 was the first breakthrough for mass spectrometry miniaturization through our patented DAPI technology, with the device weighing in at 10kg. The Cell is the next revolutionary breakthrough after 15 years, with a built in power supply, no external air source, or external vacuum pump. Cell is 8.5kg with a volume of less than 15L. A proprietary in situ ionization kit was developed for one-touch operation with analysis being completed in less than a minute. Overall, the cell is easy-to-use and brings simple, fast, real-time detection to reality. Currently the Cell has carried out relevant